Plenary Talk(招待講演)
ニューヨーク州立大学名誉教授のイシュトヴァーン・ケチュケーシュ先生をお迎えして講演を開催いたします。この講演では、先生の近刊書(“English as a Lingua Franca: The Pragmatic Perspective”. Cambridge University Press, 2019年12月)から、リンガフランカとしての英語研究とグライス流語用論がいかなる相互作用をもたらすか、それによって得られる新たな視点や分析についてお話しいただきます。
Prof. Kecskes will give a talk on English as a Lingua Franca from a perspective of pragmatics. It will surely be of interest to a wide range of scholars across the fields of pragmatics, language contact, world Englishes, second language acquisition, and English as a second language.
講師 (Speaker)
Dr. Istvan Kecskes
(Distinguished Professor of the State University of New York, Albany)
日時・場所 (Date & Venue)
2019年11月23日(土) 大会1日目 京都外国語大学
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Kyoto University of Foreign Studies (6 Kasame-cho, Saiin, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto)
Click here for the program for PSJ-22
演題 (Title)
“English as a Lingua Franca: The Pragmatic Perspective”
要旨 (Abstract)
English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) is a term used to describe the use of English as a common language for communication between speakers whose first language is not English. Providing a unique and original perspective on this subject, this talk explain the language behaviour of ELF speakers, through the lens of Gricean pragmatics. It brings together the main viewpoints of the Gricean paradigm into ELF research, to discuss and better understand the nature of ELF interactions, as well as explaining how Gricean pragmatics can benefit from investigating and analyzing ELF. It presents intriguing ideas that put existing knowledge into a new perspective, such as interactional competence, intention, implicatures, the semantics-pragmatics interface, and modality. New terms and viewpoints such as language use mode, deliberate creativity, temporary extension of the system, emergent common ground and modality continuum are introduced into the ELF debate.
In sum, this talk (1) changes and enhances the way we think about ELF and linguistic creativity; (2) explores what ELF can add to our existing knowledge about pragmatics; and (3) examines the semantics-pragmatics interface from a new perspective to clarify the relationship of linguistic sign and context in processing meaning.
Websites by Prof. Kecskes
イシュトヴァーン・ケチュケーシュ先生(ニューヨーク州立大学 名誉教授)
Dr. Istvan Kecskes (University of New York, Albany)
ニューヨーク州立大学のイシュトヴァーン・ケチュケーシュ先生をお迎えして招待講演を行います。アメリカ語用論学会会長であり、Chinese as a Second Language Research編集長でもあるケチュケーシュ先生は、第二言語習得、バイリンガリズム、社会認知的な語用論などについて幅広く研究をされています。今回は近刊の“English as a Lingua Franca: The Pragmatic Perspective” (Cambridge University Press、2019年12月出版)より、リンガフランカとしての英語を題材に、グローバル化が語用論理論に与える影響について、社会認知学のアプローチからお話しいただきます。ケチュケーシュ先生にはほかにも“From Pragmatics to Dialogue”(共編著、Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2018)、“Current Issues in Intercultural Pragmatics”(共編著、Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2017)、“Intercultural Pragmatics”(著書、Oxford University Press、2013)など数多くのご著書があります。ケチュケーシュ先生のご研究の詳細については以下のリンクをご参照ください。
Dr. ISTVAN KECSKES is Distinguished Professor of the State University of New York, USA. He teaches graduate courses in pragmatics, second language acquisition and bilingualism at SUNY, Albany. Professor Kecskes is the President of the American Pragmatics Association (AMPRA) and the CASLAR (Chinese as a Second Language Research) Association. He is the founder and co-director of the Barcelona Summer School on Bi- and Multilingualism, and the founder and co-director of Sorbonne, Paris – SUNY, Albany Graduate Student Symposium. His book “Foreign Language and Mother Tongue” co-authored by Tunde Papp and published by Erlbaum in 2000 was the first book that described the effect of the second language on the first language based on a longitudinal research. Dr. Kecskes’ book “Intercultural Pragmatics” published by Oxford University Press in 2014 is considered a groundbreaking monograph that shapes research in the field. His latest books are “Current Issues in Intercultural Pragmatics” published by Benjamins in 2017, “Explorations in Chinese as a Second Language” published by Springer in 2017 and “Key Issues in Chinese as a Second Language” published by Routledge in 2017. He just completed a new book titled “English as a Lingua Franca: The Pragmatic Perspective” to be published by Cambridge University Press in 2019.