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Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2017 01:23:36 +0900
From: 尾谷昌則 <>
Subject: [PSJ-News:00328] 【訂正】12月15日(金)プレコンファレンスの時間について
To: psj-news <>
Message-Id: <>
X-Mail-Count: 00328


14:00?17:15 」です。掲載情報に齟齬が生じ、皆さまにご迷惑をおかけしてしましたこと、心よりお詫びを申し上げます。

誤) 2017 年 12 月 15 日(金) 14:30?17:00
正) 2017 年 12 月 15 日(金) 14:00?17:15


【日 時】2017 年 12 月 15 日(金) 14:00?17:15
(registration: 13:30-14:00)
【場 所】京都工芸繊維大学 松ヶ崎キャンパス 60 周年記念館 1 階記念ホール

語用論研究は現在どのような状況にあり、今後、どのような方向を目指していくのか。ここでは、20 周年記念大会の基調講演者
ハート教授は、批判的言語学および批判的談話分析という批判的研究に、認知言語学という一見異質な手法を取り入れた Cognitive Linguistic
Critical Discourse Studies
人です。本講演では、文脈への効果的なアプローチである activity type という概念を取り上げ、発話行為理論からの流れ、その有効性を
論じ、異文化コミュニケーションに関する影響についても検討します。 金曜日でお忙しい中とは思いますが、20
周年記念大会プレコンフェレンスにぜひお誘いあわせの上お越しいただけますよう、お待ちし ています。


Part 1 14:00?15:30 Chair: NABESHIMA Kojiro (Kansai University)

Chirstopher Hart (Lancaster University)
Cognitive Linguistic Critical Discourse Studies (CL-CDS)
In this workshop I present an approach to Critical Discourse Studies based
in Cognitive Linguistics. This approach to CDS investigates the conceptual
structures invoked by linguistic features and considers the ideological or
(de)legitimating functions that such structures may serve in contexts of
political communication. Several cognitive-semiotic processes are
identified as significant in realising discursive strategies of structural
configuration, framing, identification and positioning. In this workshop, I
consider the linguistic indices of these processes and the
ideological/(de)legitimating functions they may serve with examples taken
from media discourses of migration and political protest.

Part 2 15: 45?17:15 Chair: TAKIURA Masato (The Open University of Japan)

Jonathan Culpeper (Lancaster University)
A Pragmatic Approach to Context: Activity Types
It is surprising that so many studies in pragmatics fail to define the
notion of context. Definitions that are given tend to be reductive, and
operationalising it is a rarity. In this paper, I argue that the notion of
activity types (e.g. Levinson 1992) represents a powerful explanatory
framework, and one that is eminently to pragmatics research. I suggest that
pragmatics traditionally underplays the role of 'associative inferencing'
(i.e. inferencing based on prior knowledge), instead preferring
pseudo-logical inferencing (e.g. Gricean implicature). I propose that the
notion of the activity type can provide a solution to these problems. In
particular, I show how activity types (both their interactional and
cognitive aspects) can be manipulated for particular effects, such as
humour. I focus on the activity type of the interview, especially the job
interview. I conclude with a discussion of crosscultural data.


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