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Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2019 10:34:21 +0900
From: 尾谷昌則 <>
Subject: [PSJ-News:00519] 公開シンポジウム”Concepts and Categories”のアブストラクト
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昨日配信した「公開シンポジウム”Concepts and


新学術領域「共創的コミュニケーションのための言語進化学」では、”Concepts and Categories” と題した公開シンポジウムを開催します。

動物(鳥)について鈴木俊貴氏、W. Tecumseh Fitch氏、人について、今井むつみ氏、Dedre Gentner氏

Evolinguistics Symposium

Concepts and Categories

Date : Oct 29, 2019

Venue: KOMCEE West, B1, Lecture Hall, Komaba 1 Campus, The University of

Program      (Moderator: Harumi Kobayashi)

13:30    Opening Remarks & Introduction (Koji Fujita)

13:50    Toshitaka Suzuki

Imagery in wild birds? Retrieval of visual

information from referential alarm calls

14:30    Mutsumi Imai

Abductive inference in symbol grounding and

system construction in lexical acquisition

15:10 - 15:30   Coffee Break

15:30      W Tecumseh Fitch

              Animal concepts, animal communication,

and human cognition

16:20    Dedre Gentner

Metaphor, abstraction and language change

17:10 General Discussion (Kazuo Okanoya)

17:30 Closing Remarks & Reception


Harumi Kobayashi (Tokyo Denki University)

Kazuo Okanoya (University of Tokyo)

Koji Fujita (Kyoto University)

Supported by Evolinguistics, MEXT

Imagery in wild birds? Retrieval of visual information from referential
alarm calls

Toshitaka Suzuki

The Hakubi Center for Advanced Research, Kyoto University

One of the core features of human speech is that words cause listeners to
retrieve visual mental images of target referents. However, although some
animals produce specific vocalizations for specific object categories, such
as predators or food (i.e., functionally referential systems), whether
these signals evoke visual mental images in receivers is surprisingly
unknown. In this talk, I review previous studies on functionally
referential communication in nonhuman animals and introduce my recent study
on vocal communication in a wild bird, the Japanese tit (*Parus
tits produce specific (i.e., functionally referential) alarm calls when and
only when encountering a predatory snake. Field experiments reveal that
simply hearing these calls causes tits to become more visually perceptive
to objects resembling snakes (moving sticks). However, tits do not respond
to the same stick when hearing other call types or if the stick’s movement
is dissimilar to that of a snake. These results indicate that before having
detected a real snake, tits retrieve its visual image from snake-specific
alarm calls and uses this to search out snakes. This new approach may help
to reveal cognitive basis for referential communication, opening a new
avenue for the comparative studies on concepts and semantics in animals.

Abductive inference in symbol grounding and system construction in lexical

Mutsumi Imai

Keio University

Although Harnad (1990) raised the well-known “symbol-grounding problem” as
the problem for AI assuming symbolic systems, this problem may be seen as
one faced by young children learning their first language, who have to
learn thousands of words to build up their lexicon. I extend and
reformulate the original symbol grounding problem (Harnad, 1990) to address
the problems children need to solve in the process of lexical acquisition,
which include symbol emergence, embodiment, and construction of a system of
symbols. Here, the real problem for children is how to learn the meaning of
a word without knowing the semantic domain that the word belongs to, as
well as without knowing the words surrounding that word. In considering the
reformulated version of the symbol grounding problem, I argue that one
should specify at least the following three problems in re-thinking “the
symbol grounding problem”: (1) how children make creative yet reasonably
constrained abductive inferences about meanings of words, (2) how they
discover subsystems of language, and (3) what is the cognitive function
that makes this possible.

Animal concepts, animal communication, and human cognition

W Tecumseh Fitch

University of Vienna

When some characteristic feature of human language is lacking in systems of
animal communication (e.g. recursion or learning), that it represents a
crucial gap in evolution, and evidence for an evolutionary discontinuity.
Here I argue that we should reverse this logic: because a defining feature
of human language is its ability to flexibly represent and recombine
concepts, precursors for many important components of language should be
sought in animal cognition rather than animal communication. Animal
communication systems typically only permit expression of a small subset of
the concepts that can be represented and manipulated by that species, and
this is a crucial fact in understanding our own cognition and

Metaphor, abstraction and language change

Dedre Gentner

Northwestern University

Many of our abstract concepts have their origins in concrete domains.  For
example, sanctuary once meant a house of worship, but now it can encompass
any situation in which a person feels safe (e.g., ‘her work is a
sanctuary’).  How do these abstract relational concepts come about?what are
the processes that lead to abstraction?

I will make the case for the Career of Metaphor theory, which states

? Metaphors and similes are typically understood via a process of
structure-mapping from a base concept?which is often concrete and
embodied?to a target concept.

? This process naturally leads to gradual abstraction over use, resulting
in conventionalized metaphoric meanings. Over time, these can come to serve
as established concepts.

? Because the structure-mapping process favors relational mappings, these
metaphoric concepts are often relational abstractions.

This account suggests an intimate connection between metaphoric extension
processes and the evolution of abstract concepts in language. Further, this
account sheds light on the nature of relational concepts and suggests a
connection between relationality and abstractness.

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